Tag Archives: water

Conserving Water


Although 70% of the earth consists of water, there is very little supply of natural drinking water on earth. Most drinking water needs to be purified and transported to the households before it can be consumed. Water treatment and transportation is costly. The rate of water consumption far exceeds the pace that the water is prepared for consumption. For these reasons water conservation is essential.

There are many ways to conserve water. Water the lawns and gardens late in the evening when there is less chance of water evaporation into the air. Fix any water leaks in and around the house promptly. Install low flow shower heads and faucet aerators. Replace older toilets that take as much as 3.5 gallons or more of water for each flush with newer ones that take as little as 1.2 gallons.

Another creative way to save on water waste is to install a hot water recirculating pump. Many of us drain as much as a gallon of water while waiting for the hot water to arrive through the faucet before we can wash our hands or take a shower. Hot water recirculating pumps keep a ready supply of hot water right at the faucet. Although they can be expensive to install, the costs can be recouped in several years with the water they save. And they provide a great fringe benefit of not being shocked by the ice cold water every time you like to wash your hands.

About the Author: Amita Vadlamudi worked in the computer field for several decades. Although her work experience is with the computers, Amita Vadlamudi is conscious about environmental issues and water conservation.